On “Into My Own,” The Wayfarers pays homage to their roots. The title — borrowed from a Robert Frost poem about personal growth and gaining confidence — is an apt description on a number of levels, most notably the way the music appears to be building towards something greater.
Audio PlayerMusic
The New Album, “Celestial City: Live,” Is Available for Pre-order
onOur new album is officially available for pre-order!
“Celestial City: Live” Now Available!
onThe new album Celestial City: Live from The Wayfarers is now available on our website! It’s been a labor of love and we’re excited to finally put it in your hands and your ears.
The Wayfarers Are Recording a New Album
onWe’re proud to announce our next album is in the works and set for release soon. We don’t want to give away too many details just yet, but it will be recorded live and titled Celestial City. Stay tuned for more updates.